
EGS uses Brightwheel to streamline the application process.


School year tuition covers childcare from mid-September through the end of May based on 162 school days at $19.50/hour.

Days we do not have school during the time period covered by tuition include all federal holidays, three days for Thanksgiving Break in November, two weeks for Winter Break in December, one week for Midwinter Break in February, and one week for Spring Break in April.

The board sets tuition rates in January of each year for the following school year.

Tuition Rates for the 2025-’26 School Year
(September 8th, 2025—May 29th, 2026):

5 days per week: $12,636.00

4 days per week: $10,108.80

3 days per week: $7,581.60

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Monthly Payment Plan .

Monthly Payment Plan: Families will pay the remainder of the tuition (after deposit) and fees in nine (9) monthly payments. The first tuition payment installment will be due on August 1, 2025.

All tuition payments thereafter are due by the 1st of each month with the final payment due on April 1st, 2026.

DEPOSIT: A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of one-tenth of the total tuition is due by the date indicated on your family’s offer email to secure your child(ren)’s place(s) at Evergreen Garden School. 


EGS enrolls year-round from our waitlist, depending on available space. To get on the waitlist, send in an application. Applying is free.

In January of each year re-enrollment forms are sent to current families; once those are received, an initial roster for the upcoming school year (September through May) is created. Places are then offered via email to new families on the waitlist. EGS weighs the date applied alongside age and gender of applicants, with the goal of keeping as balanced a roster as possible. Siblings receive priority for enrollment.

Families who have received offer letters for the upcoming school year complete tuition contracts in February; deposits are due in May for returning families, and upon registration acceptance for new students. There is a one-time registration fee per child of $100.00.


A limited amount of Financial Aid is available for families for whom tuition cost is prohibitive. Aid will be distributed or earmarked on a first-come, first-served basis to families who demonstrate financial need. This community resource is supported by individual donors with a special thanks to the Hummingbird fund for their generous contributions.

Please email to inquire about Financial Aid availability and fill out our Financial Aid Application.

Evergreen Garden School admits children of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory handicap in the administration of it hiring policies, educational policies, admission policies and other school administered programs.