***The Garden House is full with a waitlist for the 2024-’25 school year.***
Applications are still open, and applying is free—but there may not be any movement on the waitlist.

The Garden House in Wallingford

3529 Woodlawn Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103

The Garden House is a 4 hour per day morning program

For Afternoon Care, Please Contact mossyrooteducation@gmail.com.

This site offers 3, 4, and 5 day schedule options.

We allow a rolling drop off from 9-10am and pick up from 1-2pm depending on drop off time.

Please note children must be picked up no later than four hours after they are dropped off.

The Garden House Daily Routine


Outdoor playground open for parent and child play and chat. Please note parents/guardian must be onsite overseeing children. 

School opens promptly at 9 am.


Rolling drop off - Please note children are only allowed to be enrolled at EGS for a maximum of four hours a day. 

When children arrive, Teachers/Parents will sign children in via the Brightwheel App, noting time of arrival.  Parents must pick child up no later than four after that time of arrival.  For example, drop off at 9:15am - you may pick up no later than 1:15pm.


Daily Activity & Indoor/Outdoor Play

Weekly activities include: Painting, bread baking, sewing, finger knitting, clay/sensory modeling, & seasonal crafts, and more.


Clean-up & Set up for Lunch (children bring packed lunch)


Circle Time - class gathers to sing songs, recite poems, play movement games, and greet one another.  Circle ends with everyone washing hands for lunch.


Lunchtime - First 15 minutes of lunch is “golden silence” followed by story sharing, taking turns going to the bathroom, followed by reading the book of the day or classroom discussion. 

Lunch ends with a blessing to thank to earth for the food. Children then pack away lunches to go outside to play or go for a walk.


Outdoor Play or Walk


Storytelling & Songs - the story of the week is told for a few days then turned into a puppet show or class play, and finally it is drawn and retold as a group recall.

12:50-2pm -

Rolling Pick up.  Please remember children may only be enrolled at EGS for four hours a day. 

Dropped off at 9am must pick up no later than 1pm.

Garden House tours are currently suspended due to the size of our waitlist. We will likely resume tours in Fall 2025.